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Laguna Madre 3/31

Wind, wind, and More wind. That's been this week! I got the new Suzuki put on the boat and did the break in Friday/Saturday. Stopped in for a couple of fish while we were out breaking it in as well. The bay has been ugly on the real windy days. There are a few options when it gets that windy though. Up against the back of the island on a calf deep wind blown flat is what I like to hit when the wind really starts cranking up over 25. The wind driven current pushing around a point creates a great ambush spot for redfish. Wade fishing a point just like that last week I caught 6 redfish standing in the same spot. They were in a streak of muddy water just off the point. Once I hooked the first one I planted my feet and kept making casts into that dirty water. This is the benefit of wade fishing! You can really sit and work a small area that fish are holding to. Had I been drifting with that 25 MPH wind I would have maybe caught one and then drifted right through the rest. See y'all on the water. Let's let a few go and watch them grow.

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